EQUIP Conference

The Equip Mega Conference is a unique experience featuring 14 events with the goal of providing quality leadership training for all aspects of ministry. During this 3-day event, the SBTC pulls together keynote speakers and session leaders who provide valuable encouragement and insight for church leaders. No matter the size of the church, there are solutions for you during the Equip Mega Conference!
Ben Mandrell | Equip 2023 (30:45)
The Four Buckets Healthy Leaders Fill | Ben Mandrell (43:08)
The 3 Biggest Mistakes I've Made in Leadership and What I Learned | Ben Mandrell (50:05)
Asking Great Questions and Leading Great Discussions | Ken Braddy (48:56)
Breathing Life into Sunday School | Ken Braddy (50:23)
Leading Disciplemaking Groups: How to Make and Multiply Disciples (40:05)
Growing Healthy Groups: 4 Keys to Effective Group Growth (46:00)
The Power of Investment (44:19)
Why Don’t They Sing? - Leading Worship for Maximum Participation (40:47)
A singing congregation seems to be a luxury today. Learn how to plan and lead worship for maximum congregational engagement. more
Leading Students to Reach Their Friends (33:19)
Guidelines to prepare your students so they can reach their friends for Christ. more
Developing Your Welcome Ministry (26:19)
How to recruit, train, and motivate your welcome ministry in your church and to help them to be on the alert. more
Why They Stay (48:24)
Discover what national research shows about what keeps kids connected to church into their adult lives. more
Generation Z - The Good, Bad, and Ugly (45:40)
Get an inside look at the unique qualities of the youngest generation and how they will shape the future. more
How to Determine What to Teach Students from the Bible (45:04)
Guidelines to know what to teach and what not to teach to students in your class. more
Turning Decisions into Disciples (49:52)
Keys to following up on those you lead to faith in Christ. more
Developing your (Home) Small Group Ministry (36:44)
In this interactive session you will develop a plan to launch and lead your group’s first year. more
Developing 21st Century Disciples (51:00)
Let’s look at how to DEFINE and MEASURE a healthy adult disciple. more
Why have Adult Sunday School (47:51)
Answering the “why” question is one of the most important questions we can answer because so often leaders lead from their opinions or experiences rather than from a solid biblical understanding of why Sunday schools exist. more
Ambassadors of Reconciliation in a Racially Divided Culture (40:16)
In a world often polarized, this session will bring balance and help you engage In a difficult conversation around the subject of racial differences, focusing primarily on your responsibility as faithful followers of Christ. more
Becoming a Leader Worth Following – The 100X Leader (43:19)
You know those leaders that everyone wants to work for? The ones people love to follow? This breakout will equip you with simple tools to help you consistently lead from a healthy place and a create a culture of empowerment and opportunity... more
Developing the Worship Minister and Pastor Relationship (32:04)
The pastor and worship leader are responsible for the Sunday morning worship experience and the relationship between the two should be vibrant. more
Building a Special Needs Friendly Student Ministry (33:22)
Most special needs ministries focus on preschool and elementary aged children. Often, there is little programming for special needs teens. It’s intended to allay fears of including them in our student ministries and understand the be... more
Becoming a Reaching Bible Study Leader (48:30)
It’s time to have a serious conversation about REACHING kids through weekly Bible study. In this conference participants will consider the Great Commission and the implications for kids’ Bible study leaders. more
New Kid on the Block: Learn How to Deal with Difficult Kids (54:16)
In this session, we will present and discuss specific situations to equip leaders so they can tackle tough situations and capture gospel moments. more
Connect the Dots: Learn the Importance of Connecting Kids at all Development Levels (44:07)
In this session, we will outline the various levels of development to equip leaders to understand the vital role they play in helping children connect with Jesus. more
Connect the Dots: Bible Skills for Kids (44:19)
In this breakout, participants will “connect the dots” between Bible Skills for Kids and the importance of teaching kids age-appropriate ways to use their Bibles “for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training i... more
EQUIP Pre-Session | Blueprint for Discipleship (35:16)
Watch Video online before you come – This session will be the Q&A dialogue of this recording for leaders to dig further. - What are some of the key principles church leaders need to develop a disciple-making ministry that trains ... more
Equip Pre-Session | Engaging Families who have Alternative Lifestyles (27:03)
This session will be a follow-up to a session Doug led at the Family Forum on Gender Identity. The focus is on how we engage these families in the community for the cause of Christ.
Watch the session before you come to help prepare for th... more
EQUIP Pre-Session | Common Pitfalls in Discipleship (27:55)
Learn about of the most common pitfalls in the disciple-making process. What you can do to avoid them and what steps can you take if you find yourself in one? more
Developing a Strategy for Family Ministry in the Church (42:55)
How can a church of any size minister to, with and through families? Learn how to develop a family ministry strategy by incorporating innovative ideas into established programs. more
Equipping Grandparents for Effective Ministry (44:10)
Grandparents play a vital role in the spiritual leadership of a church in thier families. Now, more than ever, the church and the family are looking to the example of grandparents as legacy builders, mentors, guides and disciple-makers. more
Special Needs Ministry Dialogue (47:23)
Do you have questions about special needs ministry? How to begin? How to minister to the whole family? What curriculum? Inclusion or not? Bring your questions and dialogue with others on the best practices for a special needs ministry in y... more
Understanding the Special Needs Family (42:44)
Everyone in the family of a disabled person is impacted by that disability. Learn what they want you to understand and how they differe from the typical family. more
Ways Preschoolers Learn and Enjoy Learning (Korean) (42:09)
All children are made in the image of God but he didn't make everyone the same. Each one of them is unique and different in many ways. Explore ways preschoolers learn as designed by God. This session will be taught in Korean. more
Panel - Church Security (38:28)
What church security is and is not. more
Brain-Based Basic Training (52:53)
What is the most effective, brain-based type of training we can use with children so that when we teach, they really can hear and obey? What does the Bible say about training? Let’s look at both!
Developing and Building your Home Group Ministry (30:30)
Home group ministry is unlike any other. During this session we will discuss how to grow your home group ministry while making mature disciples. more
How to Effectively Multiply Your Small Groups (47:07)
One of the best ways to grow your church is to multiply your small groups. Learn the principles and practices that must be in place and utilized if a small group is going to multiply strategically. more
How We Bring Peace to Our Classroooms and Our Homes (43:01)
The Fruit of Peace is sought after by parents and classroom teachers. What can we do to have a peaceful environment in our home/classroom? How can we promote peace between the children? Ultimately, how do we talk about bringing peace with ... more
Running an Effective Small Group Meeting (45:20)
At the heart of a small group is an effective small group meeting. Come learn how to host a transformational small group meeting. more
Transitioning a Church to Becoming Disciple-Making Centric (45:21)
Develop a biblical and pragmatic plan to transition your church into a disciple-making church...starting with you. more
A Discipled Man = Impacted Community (52:22)
No man has been saved to sit! Come learn the basics of how discipled men can engage communities. more
Age is Just a Number (48:26)
Learn the common voids men of all ages have and how to fill those and get their attention. No matter the age, there are a few common threads to all! more
Every Man is a Pastor (47:26)
This session will teach men how to be the type of pastor whose church he and his family would want to join. more
Men are the Best Billboards (50:29)
There's no better marketing strategy to grow a ministry than discipled men! Come learn how and why. more
Encouragement for Shepherds (03:31)
Shepherds can be discouraged by many things. Dante Wright looks to provide encouragement for the shepherds of our churches. more
A Teacher's Tool (46:34)
There are different tools that teachers need to have in their toolbox in order to communicate the significance of what they are trying to share. Jeff Young teaches at the 2014 EQUIP Conference. more
How to Connect With High Capacity Givers (9:14)
Jim Baker reflects on encounters with high capacity givers he has had over the years, and what he has learned from those encounters.
sacredstructures.org more
Creating A Stewardship Culture in Your Church (50:28)
John Morgan, Pastor of Sagemont Baptist Church, Houston, talks about creating a stewardship culture in your church. more
EQUIP 2017 General Session - Keynote Speaker (45:44)
EQUIP 2017 General Session led by Dr. David Fleming, Senior Pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX. more
Reaching Millennials Discussion Panel (28:32)
Panel Discussion (hosted by Lance Crowell, SBTC Family Ministry Associate) on reaching millennials in the church. more
Can Preschoolers Learn in Large Group (56:23)
Landry Holmes states in this session that teaching preschoolers in a large group setting can be both exhilarating and exhausting. Discover what to do and what not to do in order to have a successful large group experience with preschoolers. more
The Untapped Opportunity: Special Needs Families (44:00)
Daniel Williams focuses this session on Luke 5, the story of a disabled man whose friends tore the roof apart to bring their friend to Jesus. Is your church doing the same? Learn how you can meet the unique needs of this community. more
The Key Practices of Family Ministry, Part 1 (33:00)
David Upchurch focuses on what spiritually successful families do. Explore the Biblical basis of some simple practices families can begin to do this week. Learn ways to resource these practices and move toward some accountability. more
The Secret Sauce of a NextGen Ministry (36:57)
Doug Bischoff leads this session on NextGen Ministry. What makes NextGen work and does your church need it? Learn the benefits of this new structure for ministering to babies through high school. more
Reaching Young Couples in Today’s Culture (47:38)
In this session, Caleb Turner asks "What does it take to reach young married couples for Jesus? What are they looking for and what are they want in church and Sunday School?" more
Engaging Multigenerational Groups of Men (43:06)
Denny Autrey discusses God's plan for transferring truths from one generation to the next - The study of the "Shema". more
Handling Disruptions (28:06)
Mike Gurley and Harvey Letcher show you how to peacefully and with the least disturbance handle people who want to disrupt. more
Growing your Small Church (42:03)
Averri LeMalle gives you practical ways of helping your church reach the lost and prospects. more
Seeing Through the Eyes of a Guest (53:35)
Buddy Griffin discusses what it is like to be a guest at your church. What is your system for following up with your visitors? How are you doing? Don't kid yourself...it really matters and has eternal consequences. more
Rolling Out the Red Carpet (46:11)
Wes Holloman teaches that churches want guest (and Members) to feel important and valued. Look how the simple formula of LOOK + WORD + TOUCH = VIP will transform the way your church trains and develops the Welcome Team. more
Character over Charisma (44:23)
Leah Holder asks "how many times have we seen great leaders in ministry fall due to a lack of integrity?" We must let God lead all areas of our lives before we can effectively lead others. Discussion on the importance of our personal integ... more
Siendo Hombres de Impacto (36:25)
Marcos Ramos; Un llamado a lost hombres para ser lideres espirituales en todo aspecto de su vida. Esta transformacion ocurre al meditar y poner en practica a diario las preciosas verdades de la Biblia. more
Overview of Church Security (49:53)
Mike Gurley and Harvey Letcher present this session about what church security is and is not. more
How to get a Church Security Ministry Started (43:53)
Mike Gurley and Harvey Letcher present this session on how to start a church security ministry. more
Siendo Líderes Efectivos (53:39)
Nothing New Under the Sun (40:46)
Bryan Gilmore leads the session on how to build a ministry that accepts the Samaritan Woman, Paul, Ruth, etc. (Single Adults). more
Getting your Worship Service Online (38:08)
Will Schaefer leads this session discussing methods for streaming worship services online. Learn the basics of how to get your worship services and sermons online. more
Sound Mixing for Worship Services (40:48)
Will Schaefer leads this session about mixing sound for worship services. Learn ideas, basic to complex, about setting up and mixing sound for worship. more
5 Nuggets that Every Pastor Needs to Know (43:07)
Jimmy Draper shares lessons learned along the way of serving at First Southern Del City, First Dallas, First Euless and Lifeway. more
The Art of Building Good Relationships with Your Members and Staff (39:30)
Jimmy Draper teaches about the role of the pastor in discipling men and growing lay leaders. more
Boys! Boys! Boys! (47:59)
Peggy Osborne leads this session that examines why are boys struggling so much in school? Why are boys often a discipline challenge? Is there something we can do to meet the educational, spiritual, and emotional needs of boys both at home ... more
Beyond Comfortable (30:49)
Nancy Turner leads this session about how being rooted and grounded in Christ’s love will strengthen us to move out of our comfort zones as we serve in a shifting culture. more
Measuring Church Growth According to God's Standards (12:17)
Church growth is not always a clear subject, Barry Jeffries looks to define church growth and clear up some common misunderstandings in this one-on-one session. more
Racial Reconciliation: Making Sense of Nonsense (03:12)
We life in a fallen and sin-filled world, how do we make sense out of the nonsense that happens in this world? more
Mujeres Buscando a Dios (30:41)
Desarrollando un Plan de Discipulado Eficaz (40:11)
Jimmy Draper Keynote (29:35)
Jimmy Draper delivers the keynote session at the Equip Conference more
Basic Church Branding (8:49)
Chris Enright discusses basic church branding. more
Panel | For Pastors Only (45:25)
Questions and answers from three giants in the pastorate.
Panel: John Bisagno, Ken Hemphill, and Terry Turner. Hosted by Scott Maze. more
Pastor's Luncheon Panel (34:46)
Panel: John Bisagno, Ken Hemphill, and Terry Turner. Hosted by Scott Maze. more
Reaching Adults 55+ for Christ (41:09)
Friendships made at church are often the most meaningful relationships in a senior adults life. Billy Barnes discusses how to reach adults 55+ at the 2014 EQUIP Conference. more
Effective Life-Changing Transformational Bible Teaching (29:24)
Ron Pratt gives a formula for effective, life-changing, transformational, Bible teaching. more
Best Financial Practices (47:45)
Gary Waller discusses the best financial practices at the 2013 EQUIP conference. more
Seeing the Teacher as the Spiritual Leader of the Class (43:26)
Ben Pritchett discusses seeing the teacher as the spiritual leader of the class at the 2013 EQUIP Conference more
Sermon Based Small Groups (17:27)
Alan Stoddard discusses sermon-based small groups at the 2013 EQUIP conference more
Preparing for a Visit From a Special Needs Student (31:48)
Carlton McDaniel Jr. discusses preparing for a visit from a special needs student. more
Sunday School Hasn't Quit Working (47:03)
Sunday School is not a program. In order to be effective, Sunday School has to be HOW you do church. Carter Shotwell discusses and argues for a life group model of Sunday School at the 2014 EQUIP Conference. more
A Teacher's Heart (36:09)
A key element in teaching is a teacher's heart. When the heart is working right, a teacher is more effective as a communicator and is focused more on the will of God. Jeff Young emphasizes these elements in a session at the 2014 EQUI... more
Are Single Adults Reachable? (45:47)
Today's single adult population is growing and increasingly unreached by the church. more
The Jesus Rhythm of Soul Care (9:23)
Jesus followed a distinct pattern when he sought solitude. Jim Baker takes a look at that pattern and how it can be applied to our lives. more
Cultivating a Culture of Prayer in the Local Church (35:50)
Practical steps in developing a culture of prayer in the church today. more