Video Conferences

We have made some of the Zoom video conferences available online. These calls allow us to connect with pastors and church leaders around the state.
La iglesia de Éfeso: un modelo de una iglesia saludable y revitalizada - 5.24.21 (1:23:38)
El Dr. Jose Pacheco nos da una descripción de una iglesia saludable usando por ejemplo la iglesia de Éfeso como modelo superior para conducir a una iglesia hispana hacia su revitalización. more
Los padres que instruyen en el camino de la sabiduría - 5.17.21 (45:12)
Cesar Gabriel comparte principios bíblicos para criar a los hijos en el camino de la sabiduría. more
Enfrentando las Rebeldía de los Hijos de Pastores - 5.11.21 (1:49:04)
Los pastores Armando Vera y Edgar Trinidad tocan este tema con honestidad para conocer las alternativas que Dios nos da. more
Pon Tu Casa En Orden - 5.4.21 (59:50)
Carlos Cárdenas nos hablar de cómo fomentar una cultura de prevención en diferentes áreas de nuestra vida para tratar con eventos inesperados. more
Anclado en la Sana Doctrina - 4.26.21 (51:08)
Escuche el testimonio de Victor Archila quien fue transformado de predicar el mensaje de prosperidad a compartir la sana doctrina. more
Sinergia y el Programa Cooperativo - 4.19.21 (48:57)
Presentación de recurso sobre la importancia de la sinergia entre la iglesia local y el Programa Cooperativo. more
Avívanos con Elizabeth Márquez - 4.9.21 (28:09)
Reunión virtual para la esposa del pastor, 9 de abril del 2021 more
Special Needs Ministry Zoom Call - 4.6.21 (1:01:23)
Join as we hear from Tiffany Crow on how to prevent disruptive behavior before it starts. Instead of waiting until kids get the wiggles or speak out, distracting the entire class, Tiffany will help us see the signs it's coming and sha... more
Children + Family Ministry Zoom Call - 4.5.21 (54:09)
Audaces para Evangelizar - 4.5.21 (43:28)
Special Needs Ministry Zoom Call - 4.21.20 (45:43)
April 21st discussion with special needs ministers. Topics include special needs ministry in the new norm and how to engage special needs friends in online worship." more
La Autonomía De la Iglesia - 3.29.21 (48:04)
Una examinación de la autonomía y estructura de la Iglesia, al igual que sus alcances y limitaciones tal como está reflejada en los artículos de la Fe y el Mensaje Bautista 2000. more
La Membresía de la Iglesia - 3.22.21 (58:20)
Un estudio doctrinal sobre la razón por la cual la membresía de la iglesia es ofrecida solamente para los que han sido regenerados. more
El Bautismo por Inmersión: ¿salvífico o señal de obediencia? - 3.15.21 (57:31)
Un estudio doctrinal sobre el bautismo por inmersión con Mario Martinez. more
Reunión Virtual para la Esposa del Pastor - 3.12.21 (42:46)
Lizzie Márquez de Carpinteyro nos reta a vivir de buen provecho los días que Dios nos ha dado en esta tierra. more
La Sobremesa con Café y Algo Más - 3.8.2021 (1:04:32)
Examinando la distintiva bautista de acuerdo con la Fe y El Mensaje Bautista 2000. more
Special Needs Ministry Zoom Call - 3.2.21 (51:36)
This month we are excited to hear from Beth Golik, who is the disability ministry consultant for Key Ministry and the special needs ministry director at her church in Ohio. Beth will speak on how to work with your pastor and church staff t... more
Children + Family Ministry Zoom Call - 3.1.21 (1:02:56)
Linda Drake, Ally Freeman, and Sharon Ngai will discuss VBS for 2021. Will another summer be affected by COVID-19? What about VBS? VBS is the most effective evangelism tool for the church today. So what about VBS 2021? We will discuss this... more
Estrategias Eficaces para Manejar el Estrés - 2.15.21 (54:38)
El Dr. Elías Moitinho nos acompaña para darnos consejos para manejar el estrés eficazmente. Esperamos que esto le ayude en su ministerio y vida personal. more
Técnicas para un matrimonio más fuerte y feliz - 2.8.21 (1:01:14)
El Dr. Elías Moitinho nos acompaña con consejos prácticos para tener un matrimonio fuerte y más feliz. more
Children + Family Ministry Zoom Call - 2.1.21 (53:32)
Karen Kennemur interviews Kimberlee Norris and Greg Love from MinistrySafe on keeping kids, leaders and families safe. more
La Sobremesa con Café y Algo Más - 2.1.21 (1:01:52)
La Vacuna y La Iglesia Parte 3 - 1.25.21 (1:30:52)
El panel compuesto por Cesar Gabriel, Misael Rodríguez, Paola Enríquez, Dr. Ulises Barajas y Mario Martínez comparte su postura en cuanto a la nueva vacuna del COVID19. more
La Vacuna y la Iglesia Hispana parte 2 - 1.18.21 (1:05:56)
En la segunda parte de este tema, Misael Rodríguez nos a acompaña a exponer su punto de vista sobre la vacuna COVID19. more
La Vacuna y la Iglesia - 1.11.21 (1:01:22)
Finanzas Saludables en La Iglesia - 1.4.21 (1:05:13)
Alcanzando a Cuba - 12.21.20 (1:08:52)
David Ortega nos estará compartiendo la visión de cómo usted puede ser parte de ayudar a las iglesias en Cuba. more
Las Redes Sociales y el Impacto en la iglesia - 12:14.20 (1:06:52)
Finanzas Saludables en la Iglesia - 12.7.20 (52:08)
Children + Family Ministry Zoom Call - 11.2.20 (59:40)
Special Needs Ministry Zoom Call - 11.2.20 (47:04)
La importancia de la tierra de Israel - 10.19.20 (1:03:28)
Special Needs Ministry Zoom Call - 10.6.20 (1:01:12)
We are all navigating through this "new normal" but what does that mean for your Special Needs Ministry? Come join us for a time of brain storming and collaboration as we look over ways to adapt the ministry as we plan ahead. more
Children + Family Ministry Zoom Call - 10.5.20 (1:03:30)
Karen Kennemur interviews David Anderson, Childhood Ministry Specialist from the Louisiana Baptist Convention and Emily Smith, Children's Specialist from Arkansas Baptist State Convention about ideas for Children's Ministry for fall and wi... more
Regreso al futuro: Cómo fomentar y lanzar la visión de la iglesia del futuro - 10.5.20 (1:06:57)
Regreso al futuro: Cómo fomentar y lanzar la visión de la iglesia del futuro – Dr David Lema, profesor de misiones, NOBTS more
Cumpliendo la tarea de hacer misiones en medio de la pandemia - 9.28.20 (59:30)
Cumpliendo la tarea de hacer misiones en medio de la pandemia – Oscar Tortolero, Movilizador de Misiones, IMB more
La restauración ministerial a la luz del caso del profeta Jonás - 9.21.20 (1:04:51)
La restauración ministerial a la luz del caso del profeta Jonás – Misael D. Rodríguez, Hillcrest en Español more
Pastors Wives Gathering - 9.17.20 (52:40)
Amiee Shelton leads the discussion on Offenses Must Come, how we handle the offenses that will happen in the ministry. more
¿Qué es lo que la iglesia debe hacer para cumplir la tarea de hacer discípulos? - 9.14.20 (1:29:17)
¿Qué es lo que la iglesia debe hacer para cumplir la tarea de hacer discípulos? – Humberto Gonzales, Cross City Church, Euless more
Children + Family Ministry Zoom Call - 9.14.20 (1:01:53)
Lanette James talks about the after school program for kids at her church. Lanette is a children’s minister of a church in revitalization. A small and growing church in Oklahoma City. more
Un camino llamado divorcio - 9.7.20 (1:07:48)
Un camino llamado divorcio – Dr. Juan Puente, decano del departamento hispano, Louisiana Baptist University more
Special Needs Ministry Zoom Call - 9.1.20 (51:48)
Wanda Burrel speaks on Addressing the Unique Needs of Individuals with Disabilities. more
El liderazgo en tiempos peligrosos - 8.31.20 (1:02:04)
El liderazgo en tiempos peligrosos - Dr. Jorge Sánchez, pastor de Comunidad de las Américas more
Hallazgos arqueológicos que prueban la veracidad de la Biblia - 8.24.20 (59:02)
Hallazgos arqueológicos que prueban la veracidad de la Biblia - David Loyola (SBTC) con Daniel Puente, México more
Pastors Wives Gathering - 8.21.20 (49:35)
Dana Hixson speaks to us on the topic, "Is God Still Good and Faithful Even in a Crisis?” more
La importancia de desarrollar un liderazgo efectivo - 8.17.20 (1:01:07)
La importancia de desarrollar un liderazgo efectivo - Esteban Vasquez, pastor de Champion Forest En Español, Conroe more
Alcanzando a la siguiente generación aún en la crisis actual - 8.10.20 (1:01:38)
Rev. Daniel Moreno, pastor de la Iglesia Jezreel “Dios Siembra”, en El Paso, Texas. more
Children + Family Ministry Zoom Call - 8.4.20 (1:03:42)
What is the “New Normal” in Children’s and Family Ministry for 2020? Who knows! But listen to some of the bright minds as they comment. Join and hear from Keri Kramer Meek, Caren Crow, Bill Emeott, and Larry Dan Melton. more
La importancia de la educación teológica para líderes hispanos - 8.3.20 (59:17)
Dr Juan Puente, decano del departamento hispano de Louisiana Baptist University. Conferencia: La importancia de la educación teológica para líderes hispanos more
La importancia del entrenamiento teológico para pastores y lideres - 7.27.20 (55:34)
La importancia del entrenamiento teológico para pastores y lideres con Lazaro Chapa y Gilberto Santiago (Representantes de la Asociación Bautista de Dallas) more
Special Needs Ministry Zoom Call - 7.21.20 (39:53)
Annalee Anderson, the Special Needs Minister at Central Baptist Church in College Station, discusses online VBS and shares the ups and downs of their Special Needs VBS. more
Children + Family Ministry Zoom Call - 7.20.20 (53:37)
Have you ever wanted to talk to Mr. Rogers? Well we have the next best thing Mr. Jeff! Jeff Land, Children’s Minister at Sugar Creek Baptist in Sugarland will share with us about the making of his video on wearing masks during the pa... more
Misiones - La Gran Comisión vs. La Gran Omisión - 7.20.20 (49:14)
Pastors Wives Gathering - 7.16.20 (1:12:13)
Carrie Bond, Lori Moody and Carolyn May. They will give a dose of encouragement as they discuss some of the top issues that ministry families deal with, especially during these uncertain times. more
Lecciones aprendidas en medio de la pandemia para seguir adelante - 7.13.20 (1:00:11)
Lecciones aprendidas en medio de la pandemia para seguir adelante - Eduardo López, Fbc Forney en Español more
Special Needs Ministry Zoom Call - 7.7.20 (49:27)
Families with Special Needs family members will be the some of the last people to re-gather at our churches. Are there ways to reach and teach and support these parents with helpful tools? Dave Carroll of the SBTC will lead the conversatio... more
Considerando la crisis como un acelerador de cambios en el ministerio - 7.6.20 (1:21:30)
Considerando la crisis como un acelerador de cambios en el ministerio – Dr. Bruno Molina (SBTC) con Humberto Gonzales, Edgar Trinidad, Marco Antonio Castilla more
Children + Family Ministry Zoom Call - 7.6.20 (56:07)
Lance Crowell and Dave Carroll speak on the topic of hosting Online Conferences and discuss the pros and cons of having an event online verses in-person. more
La importancia de iniciar nuevas iglesias hispanas - 6.29.20 (59:20)
Choosing and Using the Correct Curriculum in Your Disciple-Making Process - 6.25.20 (1:00:50)
Many things have been written over the years in the area of disciple-making curriculum. Choosing and using the right curriculum is important and valuable. In this session we will look at some principles that every leader needs to take into... more
On June 24th, we had our final Zoom Gathering with pastors from across the state. As many churches are in various stages of regathering, we wanted to highlight some areas that tend to fall through the cracks. Because this coronavirus has b... more
Los llamados a enseñar: técnicas para la formación de discípulos hoy - 6.22.20 (1:02:21)
Special Needs Ministry Zoom Call - 6.16.20 (48:32)
Recursos de la SBTC y testimonio de un atento de suicida - 6.15.20 (1:19:40)
Children + Family Ministry Zoom Call - 6.15.20 (1:20:33)
Suicidio entre Pastores - 6.8.20 (1:24:34)
En esta ocación trataremos el daño que la depresion y la presion ministerial trae a la familia del pastor, hablaremos de como identificarla, tataremos algunas ideas de como evitarla y de la responsabilidad de todos de coopera... more
African American Pastor Meeting - 6.3.20 (1:11:10)
Barry Calhoun with IMB led our devotional time and prayer by drawing our attention to Habakkuk and challenging us to Move From Doubt to Faith by Looking to God, Listening for God and Believing in God. After brief comments by Dr. Richards a... more
Special Needs Ministry Zoom Call - 6.2.20 (51:43)
Suicidio entre Pastores - 6.1.20 (1:22:34)
En las ultimas semanas se ha incrementado el suicidio entre los pastores evangelicos, analizaremos el problema, los pasos al suicidio, las posibles soluciones y nuestro rol de apoyo more
Children + Family Ministry Zoom Call - 6.1.20 (56:42)
El Suicidio entre los pastores y las familias ministeriales - 5.25.20 (1:32:38)
Navegándo con las finanzas y la jubilación en medio de la pandemia - 5.23.20 (45:18)
The Importance of Fellowship - 5.21.20 (42:09)
Laura Taylor talks about how important it is to be involved in fellowship with others. more
Best Practices Gleamed from Weekly Disciple Making Zoom Calls - 5.21.20 (55:13)
Adult Ministry Zoom Call - 5.20.20 (50:47)
Lessons learned from regathering worship and things we wished we had done differently. more
Children + Family Ministry Zoom Call - 5.18.20 (52:54)
May 18th discussion with preschool, children, and family ministers. Topic of summer planning. more
Doce nombres De Dios que dan a conocer Su carácter - 5.18.20 (1:07:08)
Manejo de estrés y resiliencia en tiempos de crisis - 5.16.20 (1:04:59)
Disciple Making in the Inner Life: Twisting the Screws - 5.14.20 (57:36)
In this session Moody looks at the eight aspects of pushing to the inner life of a disciple as well as how to help those principles “twist” deeply into the lives of the individuals. more
Pastors Wives Gathering - 5.14.20 (49:47)
Peggy Osborne discusses how your beliefs, thoughts, feelings and actions can effect your Kingdom Impact. more
African American Pastor Meeting - 5.13.20 (57:51)
Pastor Kason Branch: Creekstone Church led us with brief devotional thought from Jonah 2:1 titled In Quarantine with God. He encouraged us that during this season of quarantine, we should draw nearer to God in prayer. Then after launching ... more
Best Practices for Regathering the church in Preschool and Children’s Ministry - 5.13.20 (56:16)
Special Needs Ministry Zoom Call - 5.12.20 (50:28)
May 12th discussion with special needs minsters. Topic of personalizing and individualizing ministry to special needs families. more
Como ministrar en lugares metropolitanos en medio de la pandemia - 5.11.20 (1:24:13)
Children + Family Ministry Zoom Call - 5.11.20 (1:06:05)
May 11th discussion with preschool, children, and family ministers. Topic of where do we go from here. more
Como desarrollar evangelistas en nuestras iglesias - 5.9.20 (52:08)
The Battle During COVID-19 - 5.7.20 (32:38)
Laura Taylor leads a discussion on staying strong in the battle because the Lord is with us. more
How Disciple Making Fits into the Church - 5.7.20 (51:53)
A Model for Regathering the Church - 5.6.20 (57:46)
Special Needs Ministry Zoom Call - 5.5.20 (46:38)
May 5th discussion with special needs ministers. Topic of anxiety helps during COVID-19. more
Children + Family Ministry Zoom Call - 5.4.20 (1:02:11)
May 4th discussion with preschool, children, and family ministers. Topic of parenting and technology during COVID-19. more
¡El Futuro Para Los Bautistas Hispanos Ya Está Aquí! - 5.4.20 (1:16:57)
Regathering the Church Webinar - 5.4.20 (58:06)
Giving practical insight and best practices toward regathering the church during a mid-COVID19 and post-COVID19 context. more
Pastoreando una iglesia en transición - 5.2.20 (52:18)
Pastors Wives Gathering - 4.30.20 (27:24)
Sandra Peoples discusses what a pastor's wife's role will be in the coming transition back to church. more
Disciple Making with the Family - 4.30.20 (57:48)
Leaders in Turbulent Times - 4.30.20 (1:19:41)
One thing is certain. Things have changed and more change is coming. It will likely be permanent. How do we best prepare to seize new opportunities for Kingdom progress?1. The Market2. The Culture3. Leadership Advice in Times of Crisis more
Starting New Groups Using Online Platforms - 4.29.20 (1:01:49)
April 28th discussion with special needs ministers. Topics include how to prepare for reentry, the concerns and steps we can take, and how to continue serving special needs families. more
CHILDREN + Family MINISTRY ZOOM CALL - 4.27.20 (1:11:54)
April 27th discussion with preschool, children, and family ministers. Topic of reopening children's ministry in our churches when shelter-in-place ends. more
¿Cómo seguir formando discípulos por medios virtuales? - 4.27.20 (57:44)
Handling Church Finances During a Pandemic - 4.27.20 (48:05)
Disciple Making Forum | Spencer Plumlee Q&A - 4.23.20 (46:48)
Online Ecclesiology | Worship Services, Preaching, Ordinances, Membership, and Social Distancing - 4.23.20 (1:00:06)
African American Pastor Meeting - 4. 22.20 (109:49)
Dr. Rod Jones lead us with an incredible devotional thought from Luke 18:35-43 followed by a healthy discussion about Discipleship Strategies & Resources led by Charles Grant from LifeWay Christian Resources. more
Discussions for Building your Sunday School and Small Groups in Digital Format - 4.22.20 (50:55)
Guiando a su iglesia a orar sin cesar - 4.20.20 (1:22:24)
Disciple Making During and After the Crisis - 4.20.20 (18:44)
A look at some of the principles to making disciples that are unchanging in the midst of this difficult time, as well as some of the methods that will need to change moving forward. more
Children + Family Ministry Zoom Call - 4.20.20 (57:49)
April 20th discussion with preschool, children, and family ministers. Topics include how to reopen preschool ministry in our churches when shelter-in-place ends and how to help parents of toddlers and 2's navigate COVID-19. more
Estableciendo grupos pequeños dinámicos y efectivos - 4.18.20 (1:06:39)
Blessings and Burdens in Ministry - 4.16.20 (43:45)
A zoom call lead by Lori Moody out of Luke 1 with encouragement in ministry through the trials and success of church ministry. more
Dealing with Anxiety and Depression in Ministry - 4.16.20 (1:06:36)
Church Planting zoom call on April 16, 2020 more
Disciple Making Forum | Craig Etheredge Q&A - 4.16.20 (59:14)
How to have an Interactive Zoom Bible Study - 4.15.20 (40:29)
April 14th discussion with special needs ministers. Topic of VBS with children who have special needs - the challenges, how to help support the children and families, and what the churches are planning with VBS. more
Children + Family Ministry Zoom Call - 4.13.20 (59:43)
A discussion with preschool, children, and family ministers. They discuss the importance of summer camp for kids, what churches are doing with camp this year, and how to support staff/leaders by investing in them through Zoom meetings." more
Estrategias efectivas para administrar sus finanzas en medio de la crisis - 4.13.20 (1:17:54)
Ministrando a las víctimas de violencia doméstica - 4.11.20 (1:39:53)
Loving Those you Love Well - 4.9.20 (49:13)
Pastor’s Wives Gathering, April 9, 2020. Topic “Loving Well Those You Live With” by Laura Taylor more
Disciple Making Forum | Bill Hull Q&A - 4.9.20 (1:02:09)
In this call Bill Hull discusses how many churches don’t make disciples because they do not preach the full understanding of the Gospel. In addition, Bill examines what it look likes to help people move from knowing the good news to ... more
How to Preach to a Camera - 4.7.20 (51:57)
Special Needs Ministry Zoom Call - 4.7.20 (50:39)
This discussion was between a group of people involved in special needs ministry. They discussed what their plans are for Easter and the specific activities they have planned for the special needs families. more
Children + Family Ministry Zoom Call - 4.6.20 (53:43)
Melita Thomas, from Lifeway, shared four ways of doing VBS: the traditional plan with backup dates, alternate VBS models like back to school or 5 Wednesday nights, neighborhood VBS with host homes, and VBS at home with livestrea/recorded w... more
Como predicar a la cámara o al micrófono en un auditorio sin audiencia y ser efectivo - 4.6.20 (1:28:09)
Por video, por teléfono, o en vivo: comparta el evangelio en un minuto; de la creación a Cristo - 4.4.20 (1:19:20)
Ministry Amid COVID-19 - 4.2.20 (30.54)
Understanding and Using Facebook Metrics to Engage People Online - 4.2.20 (58:16)
African American Pastor Meeting - 4.1.20 (1:03:36)
La Implementación del ministerio del Altar Familiar - 3.30.20 (1:14:57)
Martin Gonzales
03/30/2020 more
Children + Family Ministry Zoom Call - 3.30.20 (55:14)
Ministering to families during these unknown times of COVID-19. What ways can ministry occur to people during Easter with the "stay at home" orders? The participants shared what they were doing at their own churches for Easter and ask... more
Como Compartir el Evangelio Usando las Redes Sociales - 3.28.20 (55:52)
David Ortega 3/28/2020 more
Revitalization Pastors Video Conference - 3.26.20 (26:03)