Do you have an emergency plan in place for your children's ministry? (03:22)
Emily Smith discusses having an emergency plan in place for your church and your children's ministry. more
Crisis Evangelism (06:54)
Part 4 of 4 from the evangelism webinar on personal evangelism. more
Event Evangelism (05:30)
Part 3 of 4 from the evangelism webinar on event evangelism. more
Personal Evangelism
Part 2 of 4 from the evangelism webinar on personal evangelism. more
Relational Evangelism (3:36)
Part 1 of 4 from the evangelism webinar on relational evangelism. more
Family Ministry: Discipling your children (6:11)
Lance Crowell discusses discipling your children more
Family Ministry: Sharing the Gospel with your children (3:34)
Emily Smith discusses sharing the gospel with your children more
Databases (06:05)
Lance Beaumont, Worship Ministries Associate of the SBTC, discusses building a database for your evaluating your songs. more
Listening: Listening to Learn (5:46)
Lance Beaumont, Worship Ministries Associate at the SBTC discusses working with the band at your church. more
Pastor, do you value your personal time with the Lord? (7:22)
Heath Peloquin, Director of Pastor/Church Relations, and Lance Crowell, Online Training Associate, discuss the importance of the pastor's personal time with the Lord. more
Pastor, do you value friendships? (14:26)
Heath Peloquin, Director of Pastor/Church Relations, and Lance Crowell, Online Training Associate, discuss how valuable friendships are to a pastor. more