Preaching Points Series

3 Year Revitalization Series
Kenneth Priest and Matthew McKellar, Chair of Preaching at SWBTS host a 13 week series focused on church revitalization. Special guests include Jim Wicker, Associate Professor of New Testament at SWBTS and Deron Biles, Professor of Pastoral Ministries and Preaching at SWBTS.

Year 1

Launch Series (13 week series)

Bible in 100 Days (15 week series)

Acts (14 weeks series)

Minor Prophets (12 week series)

Year 2

Hosea/Amos/Jonah (11 week series)

Galatians (11 week series)

One Book Wonders (5 week series)

Year 3

Job/Ecclesiastes (13 week series)

Ezekiel/Daniel (14 Week Series)
In chapter 8 visions of judgment against Israel continue, culminating in the final vision of the LORD standing beside the altar ready to execute judgment against his people. The final words of judgment occur in 9:8-10, followed by ... more
One Book Wonders | Sermon 1 - A Proud Nation Brought Down (17:45)
Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament, yet the strong, prophetic message of this little known prophet merits careful study. Historically, the setting of the book reaches back to the discord between Jacob and Esau (see Gen. 25:2... more
One Book Wonders | Sermon 2 - Walking in the Truth (14:32)
2 John is one of the shortest epistles in the New Testament. The language and style is much the same as 1 John. The basic theme of this brief letter is faithfulness to the truth in the midst of false teaching. Believers are exhorted to pra... more
One Book Wonders | Sermon 3 - Encouragement of Hospitality (17:05)
3 John is a personal letter written to Gaius concerning the actions of one named Diotrephes. John offers words of encouragement and words of warning. In this vein, 3 John is very similar to the 1 and 2 John. The theme of walking in the tru... more
One Book Wonders | Sermon 4 - Beware of False Prophets (22:20)
The emphasis upon spiritual maturity and stability in 2 Peter 1 prepares the way for the issue of false teachers in chapter two. One cannot respond appropriately to the threat of false teachers apart from a firm grounding the in Word of Go... more
One Book Wonders | Sermon 5 - Forgiveness and Reconciliation
This brief letter is a correspondence written by Paul to a slave owner named Philemon. The implication of the letter is that one of Philemon's slaves, Onesimus, robbed his master and fled to Rome. Somehow Onesimus came in contact with Paul... more
1&2 Timothy | Lesson 9 - Confidence in Life and Death (15:29)
2 Timothy 4 records Paul’s final charge to Timothy, his son in the faith. The tone of the exhortation is very serious. Paul knew that his death was near, and he wanted Timothy to persist faithfully in the things of God (4:1-5). Paul ... more
Preaching Points | Bible in 100 Days - Lesson 14 (21:00)
Luke 15 records three parables of “lostness”: the lost sheep (15:3-7), the lost coin (15:8-10), and the lost son (15:11-31). Luke 15:1-2 provides the context for each parable; the Pharisees and scribes were upset because Jesus ... more
Preaching Points | Bible in 100 Days - Lesson 15 (22:47)
Last week we began a study of the Book of Revelation. Revelation is divided into three major sections (1:19). This lesson covers portions of the second major section of Revelation (ch. 2-3). These chapters contain messages directed toward ... more
Preaching Points | Bible in 100 Days - Lesson 1 (21:02)
This series of lessons diverts from the usual procedure of a systematic study of one book of the Bible. Rather, this eight-week (instead of three month) study is a thematic look at some major themes in the Old Testament, a very brief Old T... more
Preaching Points | Bible in 100 Days - Lesson 2
52LESSONTHE TEN COMMANDMENTSEXODUS 20:1-17S U N DAY S C H O O L TE AC H E R ’ S G U I DEIntroduction Today’s lesson covers Exodus 20:1-17, one of the well-known passages in all of Scripture. The Ten Commandments are also known ... more
Preaching Points | Bible in 100 Days - Lesson 3 (18:58)
Today's lesson explores the issue of holiness in our worship practices. God gave specific instructions to ancient Israel regarding their sacrifices and their appointed feasts. Jesus has fulfilled and therefore made obsolete the necessity o... more
Preaching Points | Bible in 100 Days - Lesson 4 (18:29)
In Deuteronomy 5 Moses reminded Israel of their covenant with God encapsulated in the Ten Commandments. Deuteronomy 6 and 7 continue along the same lines and focus upon Israel’s personal relationship with the Lord. Moses called Israe... more
Preaching Points | Bible in 100 Days - Lesson 5
Recap: Israel desired a king like the other nations (chs. 8-12), and God gave them what they wanted. Initially Saul enjoyed military success, but time and again he demonstrated his unfitness to lead God’s people (chs. 13-15). Saul wa... more
Preaching Points | Bible in 100 Days - Lesson 6 (16:39)
Following Solomon's death most of the subsequent rulers of the north and the south were evil and turned the hearts of the people away from God. In the south (Judah), eleven of the nineteen kings were bad. Asa, the third king of Judah, soug... more
Preaching Points | Bible in 100 Days - Lesson 7 (20:56)
The book of Ezra recounts the return of a remnant of God’s people to the Promised Land following 70 years of Babylonian exile for the re-establishment of temple worship. There are two “returns” recorded in Ezra (a third r... more
Preaching Points | Bible in 100 Days - Lesson 8 (18:35)
Psalm 23 is perhaps the best known of all the psalms. It is intensely personal and expresses the goodness of God towards His people. Down through the ages many have found comfort during dark and difficult times in Psalm 23. The author of t... more
Preaching Points | Bible in 100 Days - Lesson 9 (17:32)
Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible. It is an acrostic Psalm, which means it is organized around the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which would have been an aid to memorization. The Psalm is comprised of 22 sections of 8 verses ... more
Preaching Points | Bible in 100 Days - Lesson 10 (19:27)
Bible scholars recognize two major divisions of the book of Isaiah. Chapters 1-39 consist primarily of oracles of judgment while chapters 40-66 are characterized by messages of hope. The second half (chs. 40-66) envisions a future day of c... more
Preaching Points | Bible in 100 Days - Lesson 11 (23:36)
Jeremiah 31:27-34 is considered by many to be one of the most significant passages in the Old Testament. The passage is located in a section of Jeremiah known as the “Book of Consolation” or the “Book of Hope (chapters 30... more
Preaching Points | Bible in 100 Days - Lesson 12 (21:52)
Today’s lesson explores further the courage and faithfulness of Daniel and his three friends. These godly young men were willing to risk everything in order to remain faithful to God. Daniel’s reputation for wisdom put him at g... more
Preaching Points | Bible in 100 Days - Lesson 13 (17:21)
Today’s lesson provides snapshots of Jesus’ early Galilean ministry. Mark 3:13-15 records the calling/choosing of the twelve disciples. Mark 3:31-35 contains a powerful statement concerning who is and who is not truly a member ... more
Hosea Sermon 3: The Law of the Harvest: Sowing and Reaping (18:21)
Hosea 8 continues the theme of Israel's sin and God's judgment. As in previous chapters, Hosea continues to give examples &nb... more
Hosea Sermon 4: Love Never Fails (16:00)
Hosea 11 marks a turning point in the prophecy as the theme changes from judgment to restoration. Although the theme of... more
Hosea Sermon 5: Living Wisely (18:13)
Hosea 12-13 draws a contrast between the way things used to be in Israel prior to Hosea's time, the way they were... more
Jonah Sermon 1: The Wayward Prophet (18:02)
The story of Jonah is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating and best-known stories in all of Scripture. A masterpiece  ... more
Jonah Sermon 2: The Obedient, Yet Disappointed Prophet (20:40)
The third chapter of the Book of Jonah describes how God fulfilled his will for Nineveh by delivering the wayward proph... more
Amos Sermon 1: Judgement upon the Nations and Israel (19:10)
Like Hosea, the book of Amos is among the writings in the Old Testament known as the "minor prophets." Amos was a... more
Amos Sermon 2: Genuine and False Religion (18:50)
Amos 5 contains the third message of judgment against Israel, which addresses the problem of formal religion void of sincerit... more
Amos Sermon 3: Judgement, Conflict, and Courage (18:46)
In the final section of the book (7:1-9:15) Amos recounts visions of Israel’s coming judgment. Although the book ends o... more
Ezekiel Sermon 1: Ezekiel's Call and Commission (19:21)
The book of Ezekiel consists of a series of prophetic visions and messages directed toward exiles in Babylon over a twe... more
Ezekiel Sermon 2: The Peril of Idolatry (19:25)
In chapter 8 Ezekiel receives a vision of the temple complex where the Lord reveals to him the idolatrous practices of ... more
Ezekiel Sermon 3: The Principle of Individual Responsibility (14:18)
Ezekiel 18 sets forth the principle of one's individual responsibility before God. The exiles in Babylon complained of an unj... more
Ezekiel Sermon 4: The Certainty of God's Judgement (20:31)
The prophecies against Jerusalem eventually came to pass. God keeps his word, and, apart from repentance, his judgments are c... more
Ezekiel Sermon 5: Judgement Upon the Gentile Nations (17:16)
Wedged between the prophecies against Jerusalem (4-24) and the prophecies of future restoration (33-48) are messages against the Ge... more
Ezekiel Sermon 6: False Shepherds and the One True Shepherd (19:22)
Although certainly responsible for her own sins, Israel's failure to keep the Mosaic covenant was directly related to the fai... more
Ezekiel Sermon 7: Israel's Restoration and Renewal by a Sovereign God (17:35)
Although plundered by other nations the Lord commanded Ezekiel to “prophesy to the mountains of Israel” of their comple... more
Ezekiel Sermon 8: The Climax of Ezekiel's Visions: The Return of God's Glory (15:43)
The concluding section of Ezekiel (40-48) consists of the prophet's visions of a renewed Israel, thus continuing the theme be... more
Daniel Sermon 2: Standing Firm in Perilous Times (https://vimeo.com/289136226)
Today’s lesson explores further the courage and faithfulness of Daniel and his three friends. These godly young men were &nbs... more
Daniel Sermon 1: an Example of Godly Wisdom and Courage (18:00)
After the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, a young God-fearing Jew by the name of Daniel was among the ... more
Daniel Sermon 3: God's Power to Exalt and to Humble (17:54)
Daniel displayed his God-given wisdom to interpret divine revelations on two occasions that called for great courage. In 4:10-17, &... more
Daniel Sermon 4: Daniel's Steadfast Faith (18:17)
Nebuchadnezzar eventually passed from the scene and, following the defeat of his successor, Belshazzar, Babylon came under Persian ... more
Daniel Sermon 5: Daniel's Remarkable Vision (18:39)
Bible scholars recognize that Daniel 7 may be the most significant chapter in the book. Up to this point, the reader &n... more
Daniel Sermon 6: Daniel's Intercession for Israel (17:54)
Today’s lesson focuses primarily upon Daniel 9 but also briefly upon Daniel 12:1-13. Daniel 9 records one of the greate... more
Acts Sermon 1: Jesus' Final Commission and the Advent of the Holy Spirit (22:15)
Acts is one of the most exciting books in the New Testament. Luke chronicles the first three decades of early church &n... more
Acts Sermon 2: Healing and Opposition (22:51)
Acts 2 concludes with the mighty work of the Spirit among the Jerusalem believers. But just as Jesus encountered opposition &... more
Acts Sermon 3: Preaching of Stephen (21:06)
In spite of opposition to the preaching of the Gospel, unity and generosity characterized the Jerusalem church (4:32-34). The  ... more
Hosea Sermon 1: A Wayward Wife and a Faithful Husband (18:36)
Hosea, categorized as one of the “minor prophets” according to the length of the prophecy, prophesied to the Northern &... more
Hosea Sermon 2: Signs of Sinfulness (13:49)
While Hosea 3 vividly portrays the love of God, chapters four and five focus on the judgment of God. Both love an... more
Galatians Sermon 2 | The Story of Paul (Part 1) (14:46)
Matthew McKellar and Jim Wicker work through the second lesson in the Galatians study by diving into the story of Paul. more
Galatians Sermon 3 | The Story of Paul (Part 2) (15:18)
Matthew McKellar and Jim Wicker work through the third lesson of the Galatians study by continuing the story of Paul. more
Galatians Sermon 1 | the Truth of the Gospel (21:16)
Paul wrote Galatians to defend the true gospel of salvation in Christ alone by counteracting Judaizers who taught that Gentil... more
Galatians Sermon 4 | Stand Firm for the Truth of the Gospel (16:57)
Because religious pluralism permeates our culture, Christians need to know what they believe in order to stand firm for the &... more
Galatians Sermon 5 | Faith (16:40)
In Galatians 3:1-4:31 Paul gives his theological argument, which is the heart of the epistle. In the previous lesson we  ... more
Galatians Sermon 6 | No Longer Slaves but Sons! (15:56)
Paul anticipated objections to the doctrine of salvation by faith apart from the law. His arguments in Galatians 3:15-4:7 add... more
Galatians Sermon 7 | No Turning Back (16:46)
Paul’s theological argument, which turns personal in 4:6, becomes even more intimate in 4:8-20. Paul warns the Galatian Chris... more
Galatians Sermon 8 | Christian Freedom (Part 1) (14:49)
In this section Paul ends the doctrinal portion of Galatians by allegorizing the story of Abraham. Likely the Judaizers made ... more
Galatians Sermon 9 | Christian Freedom (Part 2) (16:55)
In Galatians 5, the focus shifts from a discussion of the basis of our relationship with God (justified by faith) to &n... more
Galatians Sermon 10 | Life in the Spirit (18:21)
At this point in the letter Paul has argued persuasively and decisively against any form of legalism with respect to th... more
Galatians Sermon 11 | Responsible Christian Living (17:58)
Paul's letter to the Galatians concludes with practical exhortations related to responsible Christian living. In chapter 5 we have ... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 6 - The Speech of Elihu (16:57)
Elihu, the last human participant in the debate with Job, appears in chapter 32. His speeches take up the next six &nbs... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 7 - God's Appearance and Job's Response (21:44)
In the end, God finally spoke, but not in a manner anticipated by Job or his friends. Along the way, Job desired ... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 9 - Probing Life Questions (17:35)
Today’s lesson covers selected passages in three different chapters of Ecclesiastes. Each of the passages offers wisdom in re... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 10 - Warnings Concerning Wealth (14:53)
In 1 Timothy 6, Paul warns of the "love of money", yet he also states that God richly supplies us with all ... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 11 - Wisdom For Life (17:07)
Ecclesiastes 7-8 carries the theme of man’s inability to discover the plan of God in the face of life’s complexit... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 12 - Wisdom in Light of Life's Uncertainties (16:46)
The theme of wisdom for daily living expounded in chapters 7-8 continues in chapters 9-11. How should one live in light... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 13 - The Conclusion of the Matter (16:17)
Throughout the book of Ecclesiastes the author has examined "life under the sun." Many observations have been made concerning  ... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 1 - The Testing of Job's Faith (22:01)
The life of Job is one of the best-known stories in the Old Testament. The book opens with a description of an &n... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 2 - Job's Anguished Search for Answers (19:49)
Job refused to curse God forthrightly, but he came close to doing so by cursing the day of his birth. His intense... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 3 - Do the Wicked Really Suffer? (16:38)
The second round of speeches by Job and his friends begins in chapter 15. The friends’ perspective on the root ca... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 4 - Seek God's Wisdom in Suffering (16:39)
Job 28, the "wisdom chapter," is distinct from the rest of the book. The chapter serves an important purpose as an &nbs... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 5 - A Blameless Life (22:44)
In the book's Introduction Job is described as a "blameless and upright man who feared God". In the debate with his &nb... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 8 - The Emptiness of Life Apart from God (21:53)
In Ecclesiastes we encounter the ponderings of a wisdom teacher (traditionally identified as Solomon) concerning the harsh realities &nbs... more
Acts Sermon 8: Continuation of First Missionary Journey (20:24)
Acts 12 records yet another instance of persecution against the church initiated by Herod Agrippa, grandson of Herod the Great. Herod put James the brother of John to death and, since this “pleased the Jews,” he impri... more
Minor Prophets Sermon 3: God's Answers to Questions About Justice (21:04)
A study of Habakkuk selected passages: 1:2-3; 1:13-15; 2:2-5; 3:17-18. Little is known about the prophet Habakkuk. His prophecy is set against the fall and decline of Judah sometime after the reign of Josiah (610 BC). During the time ... more
Minor Prophets Sermon 1: The Day of the Lord (19:25)
To begin the Minor Prophets Preaching Points Series, Matthew McKellar and Deron Biles walk through the book of Joel.
Minor Prophets ChannelPreaching Points Channel more
Launch Series Sermon 1: Priority of the Word Part 1 (42:11)
The Priority of God's Word more
Launch Series Sermon 2: Priority of the Word Part 2 (36:24)
Priority of God's Word Pt. 2 more
Launch Series Sermon 3: The Church at Ephesus (42:14)
The Church in Ephesus more
Launch Series Sermon 4: The Church at Smyrna (33:29)
The Church in Smyrna more
Launch Series Sermon 5: The Church at Pergamum (37:32)
The Church in Pergamum more
Launch Series Sermon 6: The Church at Thyatira (35:37)
The Church in Thyratira more
Launch Series Sermon 7: The Church at Sardis (34:48)
The Church in Sardis more
Launch Series Sermon 8: The Church at Philadelphia (30:21)
The Church In Philadelphia more
Launch Series Sermon 9: The Church at Laodicea (38:12)
The Church in Laodicea more
Launch Series Sermon 10: Listen to the Lord Part 1 (32:39)
Launch Series Sermon 11: Listen to the Lord Part 2 (29:06)
Listen to the Lord more
Launch Series Sermon 12: Go and Do (37:15)
Launch Series Sermon 13: Growth of the Church (33:31)
The Growth of the Church more
Acts Sermon 4: Philip: A Faithful Witness (20:37)
Following the death of Stephen the Gospel began to make its way outside of Jerusalem. Persecution only increased the effectiveness of the church’s witness to Christ. The dominant theme of Acts 8 is the preaching of Philip,&... more
Acts Sermon 5: The Conversion of Saul (16:20)
One of the most amazing conversions recorded in Scripture is that of Saul of Tarsus. Saul has already appeared in the narrative of Acts as a threat to the early church (cf. 7:58; 8:1-3). Acts 9:1-19 records his conversion on the ... more
Acts Sermon 6: A Gospel for All People: Jew and Gentile (21:04)
That Luke considered the conversion of the Gentile centurion Cornelius significant is evidenced by the amount of space he devoted to it. All of Acts 10 and a good portion of chapter 11 describe the visions of both Peter and ... more
Acts Sermon 7: The Church at Antioch (17:37)
Following the account of the conversion of Cornelius through the witness of Peter, Luke now moves on to describe the founding and the activity of the church at Antioch. Here also, Gentiles are brought into the church through... more
Acts Sermon 9: The Jerusalem Conference (18:52)
Acts 14 ends with the report by Paul and Barnabas to the church at Antioch regarding the success of the Gospel among the Gentiles. Certain Jews, however, opposed the Gentile mention. They wanted Gentiles to become Jews befor... more
Acts Sermon 10: The Unknown God (20:19)
Acts 17 continues the narration of the second missionary journey. Following a ministry in Thessalonica and Berea, Paul arrived in Athens awaiting the missionary team from which he had been temporarily separated. While waitin... more
Acts Sermon 11: Paul and Apollos (19:49)
Following Athens, Paul moved on to Corinth where he remained for a year and a half (18:11). After a brief stay in Ephesus (18:19-21), he traveled to Caesarea, back to Antioch, and then to various locations throughout the reg... more
Minor Prophets Sermon 2: The God Who Punishes and Protects (17:43)
A study of Nahum covering selected passages 1:1-3; 1:7-9; 1:12-15; 3:5-7
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Minor Prophets Sermon 4: The Day of the Lord: Judgment and Hope (18:34)
A study of Zephaniah covering 1:4-6; 2:1-3; 3:1-4; 3:9-12
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Minor Prophets Sermon 5: A Study of the Book of Haggai (19:16)
Being two chapters in length Haggai is second only to Obadiah
in terms of brevity among the books of the Old Testament.
Haggai's four "sermons" call the people of God back to the task
of rebuilding the temple that was destroyed ... more
Minor Prophets Sermon 6: A Glorious Future for the People of God (19:26)
The circumstances of Zechariah's prophecy were the same as
those of Haggai. God commissioned both prophets to the task
of rebuilding the temple. The ministry of both prophets occurred
at approximately the same time (compare Hagg... more
Minor Prophets Sermon 7: The Vision of the Lampstand and the Olive Trees (16:18)
Zechariah 4 records the fifth vision given to the prophet for the
purpose of encouragement in the building of the temple. The
chapter may be divided into the vision (4:1-5), God's promise
of success for those who depend upon him... more
Minor Prophets Sermon 8: A Call For Genuine Worship (17:29)
The focus of Zechariah 7 is upon genuine worship. What occurs within the temple is more important than the temple itself. Religious ritual void of righteousness is empty worship. In this chapter, we see a rebuke of empty wor... more
Minor Prophets Sermon 9: The Promise of Restoration and Victory (20:46)
Zechariah 9 marks the beginning of the second portion of the prophecy. While the first eight chapters contain glimpses of the future, the second portion of the book points more decidedly toward the messianic age. This is see... more
Minor Prophets Sermon 10: Genuine Worship (14:58)
Since there are no datable persons or events in the book of Malachi, issues of the origin and time of the book have to be deduced from the book itself. Additionally, nothing is known of the author apart from the contents of ... more
Minor Prophets Sermon 11: Charges of Unfaithfulness (19:19)
The prophetic indictments of Malachi against Israel continue in chapter 2. The chapter opens with charges against the priests, who had abdicated their responsibility of upholding and informing the people of the requirements ... more
Minor Prophets Sermon 12: God's Judgment and Promise (23:26)
The final lesson from the book of Malachi is a fitting conclusion to the Minor Prophets. Throughout our journey we have observed the repeated themes of judgment and hope, an oft-repeated emphasis in the Old Testament. The message... more