Ezekiel Sermon 1: Ezekiel's Call and Commission
Ezekiel Sermon 1: Ezekiel's Call and Commission (19:21)
The  book  of  Ezekiel  consists  of  a  series  of  prophetic  visions  and  messages  directed  toward  exiles  in  Babylon  over  a  twe... more
Ezekiel Sermon 2: The Peril of Idolatry
Ezekiel Sermon 2: The Peril of Idolatry (19:25)
In  chapter  8  Ezekiel  receives  a  vision  of  the  temple  complex  where  the  Lord  reveals  to  him  the  idolatrous  practices  of ... more
Ezekiel Sermon 3: The Principle of Individual Responsibility
Ezekiel Sermon 3: The Principle of Individual Responsibility (14:18)
Ezekiel  18  sets  forth  the  principle  of  one's  individual  responsibility  before  God.  The  exiles  in  Babylon  complained  of  an  unj... more
Ezekiel Sermon 4: The Certainty of God's Judgement
Ezekiel Sermon 4: The Certainty of God's Judgement (20:31)
The  prophecies  against  Jerusalem  eventually  came  to  pass.  God  keeps  his  word,  and,  apart  from  repentance,  his  judgments  are  c... more
Ezekiel Sermon 5: Judgement Upon the Gentile Nations
Ezekiel Sermon 5: Judgement Upon the Gentile Nations (17:16)
Wedged  between  the  prophecies  against  Jerusalem  (4-24)  and  the  prophecies  of  future  restoration  (33-48)  are  messages  against  the  Ge... more
Ezekiel Sermon 6: False Shepherds and the One True Shepherd
Ezekiel Sermon 6: False Shepherds and the One True Shepherd (19:22)
Although  certainly  responsible  for  her  own  sins,  Israel's  failure  to  keep  the  Mosaic  covenant  was  directly  related  to  the  fai... more
Ezekiel Sermon 7: Israel's Restoration and Renewal by a Sovereign God
Ezekiel Sermon 7: Israel's Restoration and Renewal by a Sovereign God (17:35)
Although  plundered  by  other  nations  the  Lord  commanded  Ezekiel  to  “prophesy  to  the  mountains  of  Israel”  of  their  comple... more
Ezekiel Sermon 8: The Climax of Ezekiel's Visions: The Return of God's Glory
Ezekiel Sermon 8: The Climax of Ezekiel's Visions: The Return of God's Glory (15:43)
The  concluding  section  of  Ezekiel  (40-48)  consists  of  the  prophet's  visions  of  a  renewed  Israel,  thus  continuing  the  theme  be... more
Daniel Sermon 2: Standing Firm in Perilous Times
Daniel Sermon 2: Standing Firm in Perilous Times (https://vimeo.com/289136226)
Today’s  lesson  explores  further  the  courage  and  faithfulness  of  Daniel  and  his  three  friends.  These  godly  young  men  were &nbs... more
Daniel Sermon 1: an Example of Godly Wisdom and Courage
Daniel Sermon 1: an Example of Godly Wisdom and Courage (18:00)
After  the  siege  of  Jerusalem  by  Nebuchadnezzar  of  Babylon,  a  young  God-fearing  Jew  by  the  name  of  Daniel  was  among  the ... more
Daniel Sermon 3: God's Power to Exalt and to Humble
Daniel Sermon 3: God's Power to Exalt and to Humble (17:54)
Daniel  displayed  his  God-given  wisdom  to  interpret  divine  revelations  on  two  occasions  that  called  for  great  courage.  In  4:10-17, &... more
Daniel Sermon 4: Daniel's Steadfast Faith
Daniel Sermon 4: Daniel's Steadfast Faith (18:17)
Nebuchadnezzar  eventually  passed  from  the  scene  and,  following  the  defeat  of  his  successor,  Belshazzar,  Babylon  came  under  Persian  ... more
Daniel Sermon 5: Daniel's Remarkable Vision
Daniel Sermon 5: Daniel's Remarkable Vision (18:39)
Bible  scholars  recognize  that  Daniel  7  may  be  the  most  significant  chapter  in  the  book.  Up  to  this  point,  the  reader &n... more
Daniel Sermon 6: Daniel's Intercession for Israel
Daniel Sermon 6: Daniel's Intercession for Israel (17:54)
Today’s  lesson  focuses  primarily  upon  Daniel  9  but  also  briefly  upon  Daniel  12:1-13.  Daniel  9  records  one  of  the  greate... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 6 - The Speech of Elihu
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 6 - The Speech of Elihu (16:57)
Elihu,  the  last  human  participant  in  the  debate  with  Job,  appears  in  chapter  32.  His  speeches  take  up  the  next  six &nbs... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 7 - God's Appearance and Job's Response
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 7 - God's Appearance and Job's Response (21:44)
In  the  end,  God  finally  spoke,  but  not  in  a  manner  anticipated  by  Job  or  his  friends.  Along  the  way,  Job  desired ... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 9 - Probing Life Questions
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 9 - Probing Life Questions (17:35)
Today’s  lesson  covers  selected  passages  in  three  different  chapters  of  Ecclesiastes.  Each  of  the  passages  offers  wisdom  in  re... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 10 - Warnings Concerning Wealth
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 10 - Warnings Concerning Wealth (14:53)
In  1  Timothy  6,  Paul  warns  of  the  "love  of  money",  yet  he  also  states  that  God  richly  supplies  us  with  all  ... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 11 - Wisdom For Life
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 11 - Wisdom For Life (17:07)
Ecclesiastes  7-8  carries  the  theme  of  man’s  inability  to  discover  the  plan  of  God  in  the  face  of  life’s  complexit... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 12 - Wisdom in Light of Life's Uncertainties
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 12 - Wisdom in Light of Life's Uncertainties (16:46)
The  theme  of  wisdom  for  daily  living  expounded  in  chapters  7-8  continues  in  chapters  9-11.  How  should  one  live  in  light... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 1 - The Testing of Job's Faith
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 1 - The Testing of Job's Faith (22:01)
The  life  of  Job  is  one  of  the  best-known  stories  in  the  Old  Testament.  The  book  opens  with  a  description  of  an &n... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 2 - Job's Anguished Search for Answers
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 2 - Job's Anguished Search for Answers (19:49)
Job  refused  to  curse  God  forthrightly,  but  he  came  close  to  doing  so  by  cursing  the  day  of  his  birth.  His  intense... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 3 - Do the Wicked Really Suffer?
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 3 - Do the Wicked Really Suffer? (16:38)
The  second  round  of  speeches  by  Job  and  his  friends  begins  in  chapter  15.  The  friends’  perspective  on  the  root  ca... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 4 - Seek God's Wisdom in Suffering
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 4 - Seek God's Wisdom in Suffering (16:39)
Job  28,  the  "wisdom  chapter,"  is  distinct  from  the  rest  of  the  book.  The  chapter  serves  an  important  purpose  as  an &nbs... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 5 - A Blameless Life
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 5 - A Blameless Life (22:44)
In  the  book's  Introduction  Job  is  described  as  a  "blameless  and  upright  man  who  feared  God".  In  the  debate  with  his &nb... more
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 8 - The Emptiness of Life Apart from God
Job and Ecclesiastes Lesson 8 - The Emptiness of Life Apart from God (21:53)
In  Ecclesiastes  we  encounter  the  ponderings  of  a  wisdom  teacher  (traditionally  identified  as  Solomon)  concerning  the  harsh  realities &nbs... more