Financial Planning: Retirement, Investments, and Budgeting
Financial Planning: Retirement, Investments, and Budgeting (34:09)
Stewardship Planning | Steps to Freedom
Stewardship Planning | Steps to Freedom (17:14)
John Morgan, pastor of Sagemont church in Houston, speaks on pastoring debt free. more
Stewardship Planning | Scriptural Principles
Stewardship Planning | Scriptural Principles (18:34)
John Morgan, pastor of Sagemont church in Houston, speaks on pastoring debt free. more
Stewardship Planning | Personal Finances
Stewardship Planning | Personal Finances (59:31)
John Morgan, pastor of Sagemont church in Houston, speaks on pastoring debt free. more
Stewardship Planning | Investments
Stewardship Planning | Investments (27:05)
John Morgan, pastor of Sagemont church in Houston, speaks on pastoring debt free. more
Stewardship Planning | Automobiles
Stewardship Planning | Automobiles (22:15)
John Morgan, pastor of Sagemont church in Houston, speaks on pastoring debt free. more
How to Connect With High Capacity Givers
How to Connect With High Capacity Givers (9:14)
Jim Baker reflects on encounters with high capacity givers he has had over the years, and what he has learned from those encounters. more
Creating A Stewardship Culture in Your Church
Creating A Stewardship Culture in Your Church (50:28)
John Morgan, Pastor of Sagemont Baptist Church, Houston, talks about creating a stewardship culture in your church. more