Preschool/Children's Ministry
Reaching Kids & Teaching Parents | Jeff Land (20:34)
Unique Team Dynamics | Jamie Brooks (22:46)
Curriculum Implementation | Jamie Brooks (23:25)
Bring the Bible to Life | Stephanie Chase (28:10)
Boys & Girls: How Different Can They Be? | Karen Tayne (20:01)
Helping Parents Lead Children Spiritually | Karen Tayne (21:13)
Children and Baptism | Madison Grace II (21:59)
Dynamic Discipleship in Kids Ministry | Erin Woodfin (18:56)
How to Lead a Small Group Without Losing Your Mind | Erin Woodfin (15:29)
Leading an Effective VBS | D'Ann Laywell (21:46)
Why Take Your Kids to Camp? | D'Ann Laywell (22:44)
Guiding Behavior in a Children's Classroom | Bill Emeott (21:06)
Children and Salvation: Joining Kids on Their Spiritual Journey | Bill Emeott (23:19)
Ten Tips for Responsible Evangelism | Bill Emeott (5:43)
Teaching Children God's Design for Sex (20:26)
VBS Training | Helps for Teaching Children with Special Needs (12:30)
VBS Training | Making Safety a Priority for Kids Ministry in the Midst of COVID-19 (19:56)
VBS Training | How to Share the Gospel with Children (17:20)
Ways Preschoolers Learn and Enjoy Learning (Korean) (42:09)
All children are made in the image of God but he didn't make everyone the same. Each one of them is unique and different in many ways. Explore ways preschoolers learn as designed by God. This session will be taught in Korean. more
Special Needs Ministry Dialogue (47:23)
Do you have questions about special needs ministry? How to begin? How to minister to the whole family? What curriculum? Inclusion or not? Bring your questions and dialogue with others on the best practices for a special needs ministry in y... more
Understanding the Special Needs Family (42:44)
Everyone in the family of a disabled person is impacted by that disability. Learn what they want you to understand and how they differe from the typical family. more
Brain-Based Basic Training (52:53)
What is the most effective, brain-based type of training we can use with children so that when we teach, they really can hear and obey? What does the Bible say about training? Let’s look at both!
How We Bring Peace to Our Classroooms and Our Homes (43:01)
The Fruit of Peace is sought after by parents and classroom teachers. What can we do to have a peaceful environment in our home/classroom? How can we promote peace between the children? Ultimately, how do we talk about bringing peace with ... more
Can Preschoolers Learn in Large Group (56:23)
Landry Holmes states in this session that teaching preschoolers in a large group setting can be both exhilarating and exhausting. Discover what to do and what not to do in order to have a successful large group experience with preschoolers. more
The Untapped Opportunity: Special Needs Families (44:00)
Daniel Williams focuses this session on Luke 5, the story of a disabled man whose friends tore the roof apart to bring their friend to Jesus. Is your church doing the same? Learn how you can meet the unique needs of this community. more
Development within Family Ministry (38:04)
Family Ministry is such an important aspect of the life of a church. Lance Crowell, David Fedele and Tony Richmond discuss issues and needs within family ministry more
Boys! Boys! Boys! (47:59)
Peggy Osborne leads this session that examines why are boys struggling so much in school? Why are boys often a discipline challenge? Is there something we can do to meet the educational, spiritual, and emotional needs of boys both at home ... more
Kids Act the Way They Do for a Reason! (01:03:27)
Kids don’t just act the way they do for NO reason. Explore helpful tips in guiding their behavior. more
Group Time and Storytelling the Way They Learn Best (33:29)
Does your group time fall flat? Come discover some fun activities to liven up your storytelling and focus on getting the point across to your kids in the way they learn best! more
Preteens- Making the Most Out of This Last Year with Kids (53:31)
Teaching preteens can be a frustrating. Some never talk while others won’t stop talking. Learn how to engage your preteens in a way that makes them feel accepted. Teach them biblical principles that challenge their way of thinking as... more
Children in Crisis (57:03)
Children’s ministers are often called upon to provide ministry and care to children and families who are in crisis. Discover tools to help children process, understand and navigate traumatic events. Additionally, this ses... more
Importance of Children's Ministry (7:15)
Emily and David discuss casting a vision of the importance of children's ministry for a staff and how to get parents involved too. more
Four Roles Every Grandparent Should Play
The role of grandparent changes often. This session will help grandparents understand the 4 roles God has for them.
A Teacher's Tool (46:34)
There are different tools that teachers need to have in their toolbox in order to communicate the significance of what they are trying to share. Jeff Young teaches at the 2014 EQUIP Conference. more
Do you have an emergency plan in place for your children's ministry? (03:22)
Emily Smith discusses having an emergency plan in place for your church and your children's ministry. more
Tips for Responsible Evangelism (6:34)
Developing Children's Leaders (32:54)
Emily Smith, Children's Associate at the SBTC, discusses developing Children's Leaders more