Galatians Lesson 2: The Story of Paul (Part 1) (20:23)
As in the letter opening, Paul affirms the divine source of the gospel he preaches. His remarks imply that the Judaizers were accusing him of pleasing men. Paul responds that his only aim was to please God, the mark of a true ser... more
Galatians Lesson 3: The Story of Paul (Part 2) (13:19)
In Galatians 1,, Paul established his independence from the Jerusalem apostles (see especially 1:16-20). He did so because the validity of the gospel he preached was directly tied to the legitima... more
Galatians Lesson 4: Stand Firm for the Truth of the Gospel (20:25)
Becuase religious pluralism permeates our culture, Christians need to know what they believe in order to stand frm for the truth of the gospel. The frst century was no diferent. The book of Galatians r... more
Galatians Lesson 5: Faith (17:13)
In this lesson we see Paul's message continues: the law contrasts with faith and it is only by faith that one can follow Christ. more
Galatians Lesson 6: No Longer Slaves But Sons! (20.21)
Parts of this section of Galatians are tedious and difcult to interpret but the essential thoughts are clear. First, Paul discussed the character and function of the law. Second, Paul reasserted ... more
Galatians Lesson 7: No Turning Back (21:44)
Paul’s theological argument, which turns personal, becomes even more intimate. Paul warns the Galatian Christians that they are distorting the Gospel (although a true believer cannot lose h... more
Galatians Lesson 8: Christian Freedom (Part 1) (16:35)
In this section Paul ends the doctrinal portion of Galatians by allegorizing the story of Abraham. Likely the Judaizers made many references to Abraham (the father of the Jews) and to Moses (t... more
Galatians Lesson 9: Christian Freedom (Part 2) (16:26)
In Galtians 5, the focus shifts from a discussion of the basis of our relationship with God (justifed by faith) to the nature of the Christian life and the believer's responsibility under Christ.. In chapt... more
Galatians Lesson 10: Life in the Spirit (17:10)
Who or what regulates the Christian's behavior? The answer lies in the reality of the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. Those who are led by the Spirit are not under the law (5:18). ... more
Galatians Lesson 11: Responsible Christian Living (22:23)
Here, in Galatians 6, we see that the practical concerns of a Spirit-led life include such things as loving consideration of others, sharing our material resources, doing good deeds, and h... more