Leadership Conversations

Answering questions you’re asking
Conversations between ministers, pastors & church leaders with the topics changing each month. New episodes are released in three parts starting on the fourth Thursday of each month.
Hosts include: Lance Crowell, Shane Pruitt, Mitch Tidwell & Tony Wolfe

13: Missional Living and Evangelism

12: A Pastor's Activity in the SBC

11: The Church & Mental Health

10: Dealing with Difficult People in the Church

9: The Role of Godly Men in the Home

8: Investing in Young Leaders

7: A Culture of Leadership

6: Developing Leaders from Within

5: Rebuilding in the Aftermath of Tragedy

4: The Healthy Church

3: Engaging the LGBTQ+ Community

2: Rural Community Outreach

1: Systems & Programs
Missional Living and Evangelism: Part 3 (10:30)
Shane and Ryan talk about what the ministry of the evangelist is to the local church. more
Missional Living and Evangelism: Part 2 (10:20)
Shane and Ryan discuss why some churches have abandoned Revivals, and using evangelists. more
Missional Living and Evangelism: Part 1 (10:23)
Shane and Ryan discuss what the difference is between Missional living and a call to surrender to ministry. more
A Pastor's Activity in the SBC: Part 3 (8:27)
Tony Wolfe and Jim Richards talk about how pastors can get involved in the Southern Baptist Convention. more
A Pastor's Activity in the SBC: Part 2 (8:13)
Jim Richards explains why the SBC needs pastors to be active in Southern Baptist Convention life. more
A Pastor's Activity in the SBC: Part 1 (7:23)
Tony Wolfe and Jim Richards discuss the importance a pastor being active in the Southern Baptist Convention. more
The Church & Mental Health: Part 3 (9:28)
Mitch Tidwell and Ed Laymance talk about how should be equipping the church to minister to people with mental illness. more
The Church & Mental Health: Part 2 (9:18)
Ed Laymance helps us understand the biblical worldview we should have while looking at mental illness. more
The Church & Mental Health: Part 1 (8:35)
Mitch Tidwell and Ed Laymance discuss the topic of what Mental Illness really is. more
Dealing with Difficult People in the Church: Part 3 (9:43)
Tony Wolfe and Jimmy Draper discuss how you should deal with difficult church members. more
Dealing with Difficult People in the Church: Part 2 (7:52)
Tony Wolfe and Jimmy Draper discuss things that the Pastor needs to know when dealing with difficult church members. more
Dealing with Difficult People in the Church: Part 1 (7:49)
Tony Wolfe and Jimmy Draper discuss what is on the line when dealing with difficult church members. more
The Role of Godly Men in the Home: Part 3 (12:07)
Shane Pruitt and Mason Randall discuss the how tough it can be for a parent when their child walks away from the Lord. more
The Role of Godly Men in the Home: Part 2 (8:59)
Shane Pruitt and Mason Randall discuss the climate of today's culture and how it effects what children experience on a day to day basis. more
The Role of Godly Men in the Home: Part 1 (10:11)
What is the benefit of having a Godly man in the home? Shane Pruitt and Mason Randall, Pastor to Men's Minstry/Young Married at Lakepointe Church, discuss the role of men in the home as well as obstacles for children who do not have a godl... more
Investing in Young Leaders: Part 3 (5:53)
How do we help lead minority staff members in the church? In the final conversation, Mitch talks with Mitchell Johnson about what wisdom he could provide to pastors and leaders on how to lead minority staff. more
Investing in Young Leaders: Part 2
What have your superiors in ministry done to help you succeed? Mitch talks with young leaders, Mitchell Johnson and Drew Worsham, about how they have been invested in during their ministry. more
Investing in Young Leaders: Part 1 (09:54)
How do you get leaders to buy into your vision and stay to see the vision become a reality? Mitch Tidwell talks with Scott Kindig and Drew Worsham about how they invest in young leaders and also how they were invested in themselves. more
A Culture of Leadership: Pt.3 (8:36)
Shane Pruitt and Jarrett Stephens discuss developing a culture of leadership within your church. more
A Culture of Leadership: Pt.2 (8:43)
Shane Pruitt and Jarrett Stephens discuss finding and hiring the right staff and the best way to handle staff conflict. more
A Culture of Leadership: Pt. 1 (7:37)
In part one of episode six, Shane Pruitt and Jarrett Stephens talk about what a leader is and the importance of developing them to serve within their passions. more
Developing Leaders from Within Pt.3 (7:42)
Tony Wolfe and Pastor Russ Barksdale discuss the practical ways to develop leaders from within the church. more
Developing Leaders from Within: Pt.2 (7:26)
Tony Wolfe and Pastor Russ Barksdale discuss how pastors should identify leaders from within their own congregation. more
Developing Leaders From Within: Pt. 1 (6:49)
Tony Wolfe and Pastor Russ Barksdale discuss why it is not only important, but essential, for pastors to develop leaders within the church. more
Rebuilding in the Aftermath of Tragedy: Pt. 3 (4:06)
Pastors from Wedgwood BC discuss how they used the tragedy that occured in their church to engage the community around them in this Leadership Conversation.
Wedgwood StoryPart 1Part 2Part 3 more
Rebuilding in the Aftermath of Tragedy: Pt. 2 (8:19)
In this episode of Leadership Conversations pastors from Wedgwood BC discuss how they worked to help people know that they could trust God in the aftermath of Tragedy.
Wedgwood StoryPart 1Part 2Part 3 more
Rebuilding in the Aftermath of Tragedy: Pt. 1 (8.:29)
In this conversation leaders from Wedgwood BC discuss what helped with the recovery process after the tragedy of the shooting in their church in 1999.
Wedgwood StoryPart 1Part 2Part 3 more
Rebuilding in the Aftermath of Tragedy: Wedgwood BC Story (5:46)
Tragedies are a part of life and helping our people process these are a key component of ministry. With the recent events of Hurricane Harvey and Southerland Springs we are reminded that people need to be able to processes this well in the... more
The Healthy Church: Part 3 (8:39)
Shane Pruitt, Gary Smith, and Jason Paredes discuss what are healthy things to measure in ministry and how we should measure them. more
The Healthy Church: Part 2 (8:50)
Shane Pruitt, Gary Smith, and Jason Paredes discuss the pressures of ministry and where exactly those pressures come from. more
The Healthy Church: Part 1 (8:18)
Shane Pruitt, Gary Smith, and Jason Paredes discuss what is a healthy church. more
Rural Community Outreach: Part 3 (09:12)
What are some practical ideas for evangelism in a small town? Pastor Ryan Hurt & Tony Wolfe share some ideas in this final installment of the Leadership Conversation on rural community outreach.
Part 1Part 2Part 3 more
Rural Community Outreach: Part 2 (6:25)
What is context specific to small town outreach? In the Part 2 of Rural Community Outreach, Pastor Ryan Hurt and Tony Wolfe discuss how context can affect outreach.
Part 1Part 2Part 3 more
Rural Community Outreach: Part 1
When it comes to outreach, what's the pastor's role in building relationships in the community? In this three part episode, Ryan Hurt, pastor of Lingleville Baptist Church, and Tony Wolfe, director of Pastor/Church Relations at the SBTC lo... more
Systems & Programs: Part 3 (5:49)
Are changes in your programs helping fulfill the Great Commission? more
Systems & Programs: Part 2 (5:22)
How do you adapt your church's programs to fit in today's world? more
Systems & Programs: Part 1 (6:43)
Are new or better programs the answer that churches are looking for? more
Intro - Shane Pruitt (0:58)
Shane Pruitt introduces 2018 Leadership Conversations.
For more information, check out this page on Leadership Conversations. more
Intro - Tony Wolfe (2:35)
Tony Wolfe introduces 2018 Leadership Conversations.
For more information, check out this page on Leadership Conversations.
Intro - Mitch Tidwell (0:55)
Mitch Tidwell introduces 2018 Leadership Conversations.
For more information, check out this page on Leadership Conversations.
Leadership Conversations Introduction - Lance Crowell (3:10)
Lance Crowell introduces 2018 Leadership Conversations.
For more information, check out this page on Leadership Conversations. more