EQUIP 2017 General Session - Keynote Speaker (45:44)
EQUIP 2017 General Session led by Dr. David Fleming, Senior Pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX. more
Reaching Millennials Discussion Panel (28:32)
Panel Discussion (hosted by Lance Crowell, SBTC Family Ministry Associate) on reaching millennials in the church. more
Can Preschoolers Learn in Large Group (56:23)
Landry Holmes states in this session that teaching preschoolers in a large group setting can be both exhilarating and exhausting. Discover what to do and what not to do in order to have a successful large group experience with preschoolers. more
The Untapped Opportunity: Special Needs Families (44:00)
Daniel Williams focuses this session on Luke 5, the story of a disabled man whose friends tore the roof apart to bring their friend to Jesus. Is your church doing the same? Learn how you can meet the unique needs of this community. more
The Key Practices of Family Ministry, Part 1 (33:00)
David Upchurch focuses on what spiritually successful families do. Explore the Biblical basis of some simple practices families can begin to do this week. Learn ways to resource these practices and move toward some accountability. more
Reaching Young Couples in Today’s Culture (47:38)
In this session, Caleb Turner asks "What does it take to reach young married couples for Jesus? What are they looking for and what are they want in church and Sunday School?" more
The Secret Sauce of a NextGen Ministry (36:57)
Doug Bischoff leads this session on NextGen Ministry. What makes NextGen work and does your church need it? Learn the benefits of this new structure for ministering to babies through high school. more
Engaging Multigenerational Groups of Men (43:06)
Denny Autrey discusses God's plan for transferring truths from one generation to the next - The study of the "Shema". more
Growing your Small Church (42:03)
Averri LeMalle gives you practical ways of helping your church reach the lost and prospects. more
Rolling Out the Red Carpet (46:11)
Wes Holloman teaches that churches want guest (and Members) to feel important and valued. Look how the simple formula of LOOK + WORD + TOUCH = VIP will transform the way your church trains and develops the Welcome Team. more
Seeing Through the Eyes of a Guest (53:35)
Buddy Griffin discusses what it is like to be a guest at your church. What is your system for following up with your visitors? How are you doing? Don't kid yourself...it really matters and has eternal consequences. more
Handling Disruptions (28:06)
Mike Gurley and Harvey Letcher show you how to peacefully and with the least disturbance handle people who want to disrupt. more
Character over Charisma (44:23)
Leah Holder asks "how many times have we seen great leaders in ministry fall due to a lack of integrity?" We must let God lead all areas of our lives before we can effectively lead others. Discussion on the importance of our personal integ... more
Siendo Hombres de Impacto (36:25)
Marcos Ramos; Un llamado a lost hombres para ser lideres espirituales en todo aspecto de su vida. Esta transformacion ocurre al meditar y poner en practica a diario las preciosas verdades de la Biblia. more