Disciple Making Forum

Churches have been conditioned to develop education based programmatic steps to make disciples. The focus has been on completion of a course, not spiritual replication, but to be a disciple who makes disciples requires a deep relational commitment. Our mandate must remain centered on helping people mature, so they can replciate their life into the lives of others.
The Holy Spirit and How People Change (32:30)
Creating a Disciple Making Culture | Part 2 (33:43)
The Gospel You Believe in Determines the Disciple You Make (33:55)
The Call to make Disciples that make Disciples (52:00)
What kind of disciples are we making? An illustrative approach at how to multiply disciples, as the church is commanded to do in Matthew 28. more
Jesus Model of Disciple-making (45:17)
A look at how Jesus called his disciples to come, follow, be with and come after Jesus, based off accounts in the four Gospels. more
Developing the Culture of the Leadership to make Disciples throughout the Church (57:48)
How is your church staff creating a discipleship culture within the church? Focus on the vision and mission in Matthew 28 to equip leaders to create a culture that makes disciples. more