Annual Meeting 2013

Convention Sermon | David Wilson (40:35)
David Wilson preaches from Matthew 9 at the 2013 Annual Meeting. more
President's Message | Terry Turner (41:17)
Terry Turner addresses the convention at the 2013 Annual Meeting. more
Bible Exposition - Foster (20:54)
Brad Foster speaks from Philippians 2:5-8 at the 2013 SBTC Annual Meeting. more
Bible Exposition - Williamson (20:19)
Byron Williamson preaches on Isaiah 53 at the 2013 Annual Meeting. more
Bible Exposition - Draper (20:28)
Jimmy Draper preaches from Psalm 102 at the 2013 Annual Meeting. more
Bible Exposition - Flanders (19:27)
Earnest Flanders, Jr. speaks Psalm 102:18 at the 2014 Annual Meeting. more
Reaching Texas & Touching the World Pt. 1 (15:03)
Sookwan Lee speaks on giving 40% to missions, the Cooperative Program, church planting, & missionary support at the 2013 Annual Meeting.
Reaching Texas & Touching the World Pt. 2 (09:37)
Joseph Ruberintwari speaks about importance of the Cooperative Program supporting church planting.
Reaching Texas & Touching the World Pt. 3 (39:13)
Byron McWilliams speaks on Reaching Texas Touching the World at the SBTC Annual Meeting. more