Foundation Trainings

The purpose of the Southern Baptists of Texas Foundation is to help Southern Baptists of Texas support Baptist ministries through bequests, planned gifts, church loans, and fund management services.
Foundation | Moving the Needle (38:18)
This video will help you move the needle related to planned giving in your church or other ministry for the sake of advancing the Kingdom. more
How the SBT Foundation Can Assist Your Church (4:20)
Foundation | Impacting the Kingdom with a Donor-Advised Fund
A Donor-Advised Fund can be a great way to impact the Kingdom now and later. Through a Donor-Advised Fund, we can mentor generosity towards our family by involving them in the decision-making process for distributions that can benefit... more
Foundation | Retirement Income with a Charitable Gift Annuity (11:08)
This video will help teach an effective way to find retirement income using a charitable gift annuity. more
Foundation | Advancing the Kingdom (19:09)
Christians have the opportunity to advance God’s Kingdom through (1) our Gospel, (2) our faithful journey in life and (3) our legacy left behind. To live purposely and intently to advance His Kingdom is to live a life that maxi... more
Foundation | Launching Planned Giving (41:46)
This video is a free resource for churches and other ministries to help them start a planned giving emphasis that can benefit the Kingdom. more
Foundation | A Secret Sauce for Increasing Planned Gifts to Ministry
Dr. Jeffery Steed discusses practical ways to Increase Planned Gifts to Ministries in this session. more
Foundation | Starting a Church Endowment (8:00)
Dr. Jeffery Steed talks about the importance of starting a church endowment. more
Foundation | Teaching Children Generosity (24:00)
Learn some strategies to teach your children about generosity towards others and towards the Kingdom. more
Foundation | Retirement (28:01)
Learn important items to consider in effective estate planning for your family and ministry. more
Foundation | Exiting a Business (32:39)
Learn various solutions for exiting a business, minimizing taxes, receiving retirement income and impacting the Kingdom. more
Foundation | Making a Will (24:34)
Learn the basics of a Will and the importance of being a good steward of one’s estate. more
Foundation | Providing and Protecting Family (37:57)
Learn how to provide for your family and to protect them through proper estate planning. more